The Terry Balleggs
The Terry Balleggs

Step right up and marvel at the people that have to take part in these events



















Jamie Manson


Appearances: 19

Best Result: 1st

Nemesis: A. Davies



Balleggs Trophy (7)

Close but no Cigar (7)

Mahatma Balleggs (0)

4th Plaice (1)

Elliot Balleggs (3)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (0)

Players Player (2)

Coach of the Year (2)

Coaches Coach (3)

Knob of the Year (0)

Black Spoon (5)

Schmeichel (2 - 125/135)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Jamie Manson, also known as Pig or Long Trotters, is a complete legend and all round champion, and has absolutely nothing to do with the authoring of this page. He was born at a young age on a farm, and is believed to practice hitting and throwing every day. Jamie has unreasearched dreams of becoming the first man in space.



















Will Jones


Appearances: 15

Best Result: 1st

Nemesis: J. Manson



Balleggs Trophy (2)

Close but no Cigar (3)

Mahatma Balleggs (3)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (2)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (0)

Players Player (0)

Coach of the Year (1)

Coaches Coach (0)

Knob of the Year (0)

Black Spoon (3)

Schmeichel (2 - 140/140)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Will Jones, also known as Billy Bones or Mono Billson, was an elite sportsman, captaining the England 1967 World Cup Team. Will's career took a nose dive after a lengthy corruption court case for betting on himself at a recent winter olympics, a sporting event he was not even a part of. Will is believed to be able to run faster than an old dog.



















Harley Cox-Hynd


Appearances: 18

Best Result: 4th

Nemesis: R. Jones



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (0)

Mahatma Balleggs (0)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (0)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (1)

Players Player (2)

Coach of the Year (0)

Coaches Coach (1)

Knob of the Year (9)

Black Spoon (1)

Schmeichel (0)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Harley Cox-Hynd, also known as Captain Crack Sparrow, Judge Dread or 007 James Bongs, is believed to be the love child of a festival bell tent and a Lord of the Rings DVD box set. Contrary to the popular saying, what doesn't kill Harley does not make him stronger, in fact quite the opposite is true. Harley's citizenship status and current age are unknown to all, including himself.



















Digby Taylor


Appearances: 10

Best Result: 3rd

Nemesis: W. Jones / J. Bowden



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (0)

Mahatma Balleggs (1)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (1)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (0)

Players Player (1)

Coach of the Year (2)

Coaches Coach (0)

Knob of the Year (2)

Black Spoon (1)

Schmeichel (0)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Digby Taylor, also known as Deef or Diglet, made the news recently for independently laying seige to the village of West Lavington in Wiltshire after a dispute over a Pot Noodle. Digby now spends most of his time on cruise ships, making sure people do not have too much of a good time. He currently holds the world record for the most haircuts in one day.



















Jack Bowden


Appearances: 19

Best Result: 2nd

Nemesis: J. Manson



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (2)

Mahatma Balleggs (4)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (1)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (1)

Players Player (1)

Coach of the Year (2)

Coaches Coach (1)

Knob of the Year (1)

Black Spoon (3)

Schmeichel (1 - 124)

The Drumley Best pot award (1)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Jack Bowden, also known as Jacky or the Horse Cock Whisperer, is proudly the 16th tallest man in his hamlet. Jack is famous for being able to find anything, as well as being a master of disguise and can turn himself unrecognisable from over 50 yards. Jack has a python trapped in his kitchen called David Bland.



















Ashley Davies


Appearances: 16

Best Result: 1st

Nemesis: J. Bowden



Balleggs Trophy (9)

Close but no Cigar (0)

Mahatma Balleggs (2)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (2)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (1)

Players Player (0)

Coach of the Year (0)

Coaches Coach (0)

Knob of the Year (0)

Black Spoon (0)

Schmeichel (2 - 140/140)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Ashley Davies, also known as Bashleigh D or The Pud Doctor, is known to have to world’s loudest punch and has spent most of his adult life under study in military laboratories. A naturally competitive man, he has never come any lower than 363rd place in any sporting event. Ashley has never left his village, but has plans to explore all of Berkshire when he gets older.



















Will Manson


Appearances: 14

Best Result: 2nd

Nemesis: J. Manson



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (0)

Mahatma Balleggs (4)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (2)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (1)

Players Player (0)

Coach of the Year (0)

Coaches Coach (1)

Knob of the Year (1)

Black Spoon (1)

Schmeichel (1 - 127)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Will Manson, also known as Mini Manson or that-guy-what-does-maths, recently graduated with a 2:1 in General Studies from De Montford University. His passions include bicycle riding and comparing his height with others. Will insists that his favourite fictional character is Tom Cruise from Rain Man.




















Rob Jones


Appearances: 17

Best Result: 2nd

Nemesis: W. Manson / A. Davies



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (1)

Mahatma Balleggs (1)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (1)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (0)

Players Player (3)

Coach of the Year (0)

Coaches Coach (0)

Knob of the Year (4)

Black Spoon (1)

Schmeichel (0)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (1)



Rob Jones, also known as Rogly P or Rog Himself, is believed to be made from pure melody and his been mistaken on a number of occasions as a piece of sheet music. Due to his inflated size, Rob struggles to fit in normal clothing, and is forced to wear tailored bin liners. Rob has been checked in to A&E 19 times for constantly confusing his own hand with a lasagne.



















Alex B.


Appearances: 17

Best Result: 2nd

Nemesis: A. Davies



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (1)

Mahatma Balleggs (0)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (3)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (0)

Players Player (2)

Coach of the Year (3)

Coaches Coach (4)

Knob of the Year (0)

Black Spoon (1)

Schmeichel (3 - 160/140/125)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Alex B., also known as Bubba or Bernad, is full time stonemason from Leeds. In his spare time, Alex watches  videos of vehicles on the internet and remixes garage tunes in the park. Alex is always the first to buy the newest Renault as soon as it is released for public sale and he is the proud owner of a 2017 Megane.



















Max Barber


Appearances: 18

Best Result: 3rd

Nemesis: J. Manson



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (0)

Mahatma Balleggs (2)

4th Plaice (1)

Elliot Balleggs (0)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (4)

Players Player (2)

Coach of the Year (1)

Coaches Coach (1)

Knob of the Year (1)

Black Spoon (0)

Schmeichel (0)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (1)



Max Barber, also known as Maximatosis or Justin Barber, is the youngest of four identical twin brothers who, for tax reasons, all use the same name and national insurance number. He can only be identified from his siblings by a tattoo that covers his entire body from the neck down. Max has been campaigning for years to make helicopters road legal.



















Will Krause


Appearances: 4

Best Result: 7th

Nemesis: W. Jones



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (0)

Mahatma Balleggs (0)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (0)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (1)

Players Player (0)

Coach of the Year (0)

Coaches coach (1)

Knob of the Year (1)

Black Spoon (0)

Schmeichel (0)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Will Krause, also known as Krause or The Stomach, started life as a monster in a fairytail who desended from the mountains to eat the food of starving villagers. After a childs wish brought him out of the story books, he now sells car finance for Honda. Will has said that he has never eaten turtle.



















Lyle Phillips


Appearances: 6

Best Result: 1st

Nemesis: D. Taylor / A. Davies



Balleggs Trophy (1)

Close but no Cigar (2)

Mahatma Balleggs (0)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (2)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (0)

Players Player (0)

Coach of the Year (0)

Knob of the Year (0)

Black Spoon (0)

Schmeichel (1 - 125)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Lyle Phillips, also known as Lilo or El Pee, spent 4 years building his confidence to visit the EU before realising it meant going abroad, a dream he has now abandoned. For his height and age, Lyle proudly has and average length kick, and has no explanation for why he occasionally transforms into a wild chinese man. Lyle can sometimes swim.



















Ross Milne


Appearances: 3

Best Result: 4th

Nemesis: W. Jones 



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (1)

Mahatma Balleggs (0)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (0)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (0)

Players Player (2)

Coach of the Year (0)

Coaches Coach (0)

Knob of the Year (0)

Black Spoon (1)

Schmeichel (0)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Ross Milne, also known as Roose or Sandy Pete, recently converted to the Church of the Latter Day Vegan after watching what he claims to be a documentary called "Jurrasic Park". When he is not performing unrequested new build house inspections, he spends most of his free time punching through plasterboard. He is yet to discover Youtube.



















Freddie Goring


Appearances: 1

Best Result: 6th

Nemesis: L. Phillips / J. Elias



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (0)

Mahatma Balleggs (0)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (0)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (0)

Players Player (0)

Coach of the Year (0)

Coaches Coach (0)

Knob of the Year (0)

Black Spoon (0)

Schmeichel (1 - 140)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Freddie Goring, also known as the Beak of Berkshire or The Abandoned ship, grew up on the outskirts of West Tooting before landing a staring roll in the little know reality TV series "Real life weirdos & stalkers". He has since gone on to find further fame amongst the Zoology community for continuingly ringing the RSPB hotline claiming to have found a new undiscovered species of dog in his Garden. Freddie has always been a advocate for cartwheeling whenever possible.



















Jake Elias


Appearances: 1

Best Result: 4th

Nemesis: J. Manson / W. Jones



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (0)

Mahatma Balleggs (0)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (0)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (0)

Players Player (0)

Coach of the Year (0)

Coaches Coach (0)

Knob of the Year (0)

Black Spoon (0)

Schmeichel (0)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



Jake Elias, also know as Jake AnyLions or Dr. Let-it-Snow, is said to know what a bitcoin actaully is and according to him has even held one in his mouth. Although he has spent years branding himself as the king of the slag, Jake has an embarrassingly short throw - a problem that has lead to multiple trips to puss-A&E. He does not have any boats named after him.


For members who haven't been seen in some time - archived but not forgotten



















James George


Appearances: 2

Best Result: 2nd

Nemesis: J. Manson



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (1)

Mahatma Balleggs (0)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (0)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (1)

Players Player (0)

Coach of the Year (0)

Knob of the Year (0)

Black Spoon (0)

Schmeichel (0)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)

The Lonely Pony (0)



James George, also known as James Mate or Bames, was involved in an industrial smelting accindent in the 90s meaning he is now living his life as 60% man, 40% builder. In his spare time he likes to practice getting dressed for the next day, and is famed for saying "Monkey picked tea" more times in 5 minutes than anyone else in the history of the planet he calls home (Earth).




















George Benbridge


Appearances: 3

Best Result: 8th

Nemesis: Many



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (0)

Mahatma Balleggs (0)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (0)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (0)

Players Player (0)

Coach of the Year (0)

Knob of the Year (0)

Black Spoon (0)

Schmeichel (0)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)



George Benbridge, also known as Beorge or George Bembridge, prides himself on the identical length of both his legs. His whereabouts for the early 2010's have been disputed, but it is believed he cast himself out to sea in a bathtub after watching the 3rd Pirates of the Carribean film 18 times back to back. Spending years without food or water, it is claimed George returned to land after recieving word from a passing fisherman that Disney had rebooted the POTC franchise.




















Harry Surnamewithheld


Appearances: 3

Best Result: 5th

Nemesis: J. Manson



Balleggs Trophy (0)

Close but no Cigar (0)

Mahatma Balleggs (0)

4th Plaice (0)

Elliot Balleggs (1)

Cordelia II All England Champion 1837 Award (0)

Players Player (1)

Coach of the Year (0)

Coaches Coach (0)

Knob of the Year (1)

Black Spoon (0)

Schmeichel (0)

The Drumley Best pot award (0)



Harry Surnamewithheld, also known as Harry, is understood to be the world’s cleanest man and has been known to even wash his soap. In Harry’s spare time, he likes taking and editing photos of the moon, and shouting at the sun. As a defence mechanism, Harry will often turn himself bright red to ward off predators. His surname is withheld for religious reasons.